Further back in history, the area around and immediately south of the project area underwent mining activity during the 16th or 17th century, in particular for the turquoise. Spanish explorers also prospected the area targeting gold.GMV Minerals acquired 100% of the leasehold interest in the Mexican Hat Property by way of an assignment agreement with the previous lessee and the underlying claim owner. The Mexican Hat property received considerable exploration between 1989 and 2004, most notably by Placer Dome (USA) between the years 1989-1992 when they drilled 137 holes totaling 18,939 metres (62,120 ft). Overall there are more than 180 drill holes in historical data associated with the property.

Location of the Basin and Range physiographic domain and five subdomains, from www.geomaps.wr.usgs.gov/parks/province. 2014. Red star marks Mexican Hat location.